In the Queen Mab speech Mercutio tells Romeo not to follow his dreams. He warns him that “dreamers often lie” and that following dreams leads people down the wrong path. He gives examples of church officials being corrupted by dreams of wealth, of maids getting infections or becoming pregnant by following dreams of love, and of soldiers getting killed when pursuing dreams of battlefield glory. Is Mercutio right? As teenagers of today you are often told to “follow your dreams,” but is there a negative side to that? Is teaching young people to follow their dreams really a good idea, or is it bound to result in disappointment and suffering?
Kids should be encouraged to reach for their dreams, because even if they don't achieve them, they can still get a long way ahead in the attempt. Dreaming is fine as long as you don't put too much faith in your dreams.
ReplyDeleteI agree with trescat
ReplyDeleteIt is a natural thing to have dreams but what young people have to understand is that not all your dreams are going to come true and that you have to accept failure and move on.
Michael Scott
i think that kids should do what ever it is they need to do to reach thier dreams and never give up. And have lots of faith in what they are doing.
I think dreams tell you youre going the right way in life, and should be followed
ReplyDeleteKids have to reach for their dreams because if they never did they will always think what could have been. And when kids reach for their dreams it pushes the boundaries of what we know further advancing the world.
I agree with Michael Scott and trescat, I think that following your dreams is a good thing, but obsessing over them isn't. You can only try to achieve them to a certain degree but don't spend your whole life doing it. If you don't accomplish it, you have to accept that and move on. If you can't get it theres no use in killing yourself over something that can't be done.
There are two different meanings of dreams. If they are talking about sleeping dreams, then I think those should not be followed. However, dreams as in hopes and ideas for the future are important. Society wouldn't be where it is if people didn't dream.
I think that Mercutio is right becuase Romeo was letting his dreams dictate his every move and was not thinking for himself. Dreams are not real and people should seperate the real world and the dream world and not blend the two together.
ReplyDeleteWhen someone says "follow your dreams" they don't mean to literally do what you think about in your sleep. The dreams refered to in that quote are consious dreams that you have when you are awake. Dreans come in two forms: there are the dreams you have while sleeping, but there are also the dreams that refer to your goals in life. You should always follow your dreams in the sense of achiving goals, but you should rarely (if ever) listen to the dreams you have while sleeping.
I think that teaching teenagers to follow their dreams is good if people are talking about goals, but literal dreams can be very bad to try to follow because they are usually random and really have nothing to do with real life so yes i think they can and will lead you astray
ReplyDeleteIf anyone didn't have a dream, then what's worth living for? As a kid you dream of having all these fancy cars and stuff and you work for that your whole life, then if someone told you to not follow your dream, then why would you work half your life for NOTHING!
I think that people should encourage others to follow their dreams, although if someone is dedicated enough they don't have to be encouraged.
I agree with PinkPrincess, there are two types of dreams, but sometimes the sleeping dreams portray the things that you want in life. Sometimes these should be followed, but obviously bizzare dreams about totally random things probably shouldn't be followed. If you know its something that you truly want and crave that you feel is necessary in your life, try to get it.
ReplyDeletei believe it depends on the dream if it is a negative dream then dont follow it but if it is a possitive dream then do follow it
If you can accept that you might never reach a dream of yours, you'll be happier than if you spend your whole life desperately striving for a dream you have not a chance of achieving
ReplyDeleteI think following your dreams is a good thing to do as long as you're not stepping on people on your way up. Following dreams and reaching your goals is what living your life is all about stepping on your friends and leaving them behind is not the way to go about it...and world domination probably isn't the best dream to try to make come true but otherwise, go for it.
always believe in yourself and encourage others to do the same. every person has huge potential, and teenagers are just getting started! its true that dreams can be unrealistic, but always do your best. its like "You never know how far you can go unless you run." type stuff
ReplyDeleteMartin Luther King had a dream. You know what happened to him? He got shot. Well I guess he also helped fight for civil rights. So you win some you loose some I guess.
I think that following your dreams is key to life. It will allow you so many more opportunities and overall you will be happier. In speech we watched a video about a guy who had lots of specific dreams that he wanted to achieve. He And he achieved them all. How did he do them, he went around the brick walls that most people get stuck at then quit. He persevered and kept going to achieve them. Maybe he didn't achieve them in an exact way, but he feels the way he achieved them was better than his original idea of the goal. So yes you will have unsatisfaction in your life, but without dreams, you will have no higher standard to meet and become great. You will just stay at your level and never achieve. -jillninja14
ReplyDeleteKids should follow their dreams to a point because if someone wants to be an astonaut, you have to be superb at school and take all the classes you would need for that occupation. Also if a guy wanted to be a pro football player, probably not going to happen. In short some kids can do things better than others and they get the job before them. Dreams can definetly lead people astray.-Boston's Fine$t
ReplyDeletesixteencandles07, NO! There are not two types of dreams. Dreams are any kind of vision you get while you sleep or 'daydream'. But I do agree that you should not have to follow bizzare dreams. It is up to the person to follow which dream they want. I can dream about racing wild unicorns and have another dream about eating tofu. That does not mean I WANT to follow my dream of racing wild unicorns. WHAT IF I LIKE TOFU BETTER.... Yah stumped you on that one didn't I?
Dream are what drive us to go above and beyond what others may think is possible. Sometimes, there are bad outcomes to following such a dream, but other times, the good out weighs the bad.
Dreams are very important. I agree with jillninja14. Perseverance, hard work, and dreams all go together.
I agree with Micheal Scott to the degree that you should follow your dreams to a point but you should also be smart about it. We live in a nation where we have the oppurtunity to be who we want and we should take advantage of that. It's all about what you're willing to risk and how far you are willing to go to acheive your dream.
ReplyDeleteIt is always important to follow your dreams. If you find something you are passionate about you should persue it, it is important to fight for what you beleive in. You may not acceive your dreams but you will learn lessons, become stronger, and ultimatly become the person you were meant to be. If you spend you life only doing the minimum, thats all you will ever be. If you dont follow your dreams you will die having nothing to show for it. In the end we only hav one life to live so why waste it being afraid of failure?
Amen- Im a little disappointed about your MLK comment. He did follow his dreams and in the long run he did achieve his dream.
ReplyDeleteSo maybe show him a little more respect.
Michael Scott
I think that is important to "follow your dreams" if those dreams are "good". What I mean is that it is good to try to get a job you really love or make a difference. But if your dreams are of power or wealth etc. I think that you need to realize what really matters and not be corrupted by the other ideas.
Its good to stretch yourself and do what you want. Dreams are a way to do this. they can lead you to do great things, but its true they can also lead to diseater. Without dreams people would get nowhere in life, you wouldn't push yourself. Dreams can be little or big things it doesn't matter, but thier improtant. you jsut can't fully depend on them.
So spiderman does that mean if your passionate about being a serial killer you should pursue it? I think not.
I agree with Michael Scott, even though MLK did get shot he achieved more than anyone before him. He got what he wanted even if he didn't live to see it happen. And that happened because he followed his dreams.
In regards to Amen's statement, your claims are incredibly ignorant. There is so much more coming into play in Martin Luther King's situation, that can't even be accountable for all dreams. It is tragic that he got shot for the difference he was making, but he still made a change. He put his own safety in danger for the well being of his peers. The fact that he is being used as an example of why you shouldn't follow your dreams is out of line. There will always be a consequence for putting yourself out into the world to make a difference or making your dreams come true, whether its losing friends or even your life, if it is morally right I say go for it if you are up to the challenge. Everyday we face dangers such as these, but so be it. Also in regards to Boston's Fine$t's comment, who's to say what is possible and not? There are astronauts and pro football players in the world who started out as people just like us. The difference is that they had the will to make it happen for themselves. Maybe they made sure they did fantastic in school because it is what they want to do, or maybe they trained for endless agonizing hours to become a professional football player because it was their dream. Nothing is impossible, and never give up on yourself.
I think teenegers need to follow there dreams. This is the start of our lives and we need to be able to follow what want to do and be able to work for what we want. If some people say we shouldn't we should leave them behind and just forget about them. If it's turely your're dream than nothing can hold you back.
ReplyDeletePretty Little Liar 2:)
I believe it's important to follow your dreams... if you have the determination. PEN15 COMMANDER is right, but something to remember that plays an important role in 'dreams' is that you may have them.. but do you have the determination to actually follow through with them. Doesn't matter if you fai;, atleast you tried and hopefully made the best out of it.
i agree with batman martin luther never did anything wrond except share his dreams and he got shot. ya so what but is his dreams coming true? i would say yes and no but at least he followed what he believed and actually changed something rather than give up right as people stared douting him.
I think that dreams should inspire you but not control your lives. I agree with amen about how Martin Luther King Jr. was inspired by his dreams but I don't think that the whole civil rights movement was sparked by just one dream.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't reach for your dreams (the goal-kind) then what else would you do in life? Life is all about going after what you want and trying to achieve dreams however small or big they might be. Without goals and aspirations, what would we do in life?
ditto PinkPrincess i totally agree. i mean, some dreams are crazy but you have to go for them if they're really your dreams!
ReplyDeleteSuperstar, It is good to follow your dreams and take action but you need to know where to draw the line between dreams and reality. Dreams is only the starting point, to get to the end you need to take action in the real world and make a difference.
ReplyDeleteAll dreams are important(the goals). Who knows where we would be without them. Also, where would we be if everyone followed their dreams?
I think everyone should follow their dreams, no matter how unlikely. Even if only 1 in 100,000 people go pro in some sport, if you have the dedication then you will be that 1.
i agree with Trescat many dreams you can not possibly achieve so i think it is dumb to fool your self and to spend all your life trying to achieve something that is unrealistic. So give up your dreams be a garbage man its ok
ReplyDeleteOkay everybody calm down. I'm just saying that you can follow your dreams but there will be negative consequences. MLK did help civil rights and then got shot. Romeo did fall in love with juliet but then they both died. So go ahead, follow you're dreams, but just ask yourself if you can handle the negative impacts.
I think that if you really are prepared to follow your dreams, you do need to be ready for negative consequences like Amen says, but the consequences could also be positive too. Life is about taking chances and seeing where it leads you, and following your dreams is part of that.
Not everyone who follows their dreams ends up getting shot though. Following your dreams givesw yyou hope for the future and you shouldn't not follow them because you're scared of the negative things that MIGHT happen
Amen is right. Before making a decision to follow a dream that you have, ask yourself about the consiquences of your dream. Many people have a dream to be an astronaut when they are younger. Some people grow up to be astronauts, and become icons. However, there is the posibility of begin vaporized by an alien at age 25. Some people would rather be a short order cook at McDonalds for 40 years and live to be 90, than die when they are 25.
Notice that when some people achieve somthing really amazing, like becoming really really famous, thats not what they were expecting sometimes. It wasn't their biggest dream, but it can still happen
ReplyDeleteI believe that people should follow their dreams because they are like your goals in life. You should be able to achieve as many goals as you want if you really want them. Dreams and goals are important. Where would your life be without them.
ReplyDeleteLike I said before dreams can really lead you astray. People spend their whole life following their dreams but you have to think of your future: Does it pay enough money to satisfy my needs, to have a sustainable household, and if I somehow lose my job can I get a new one with the type of skills I have. Those are the things people should think more about when off "dreaming"-Boston's Fine$t
ReplyDeleteQUAN, ... i think i just shed a tear
I agree with DancerGirl
ReplyDeleteIf we didnt have dreams and goals where would our motivation be to do amazing things. And in this way it makes dreams a good thing in some instance.
Michael Scott
Everyone makes and has goals. Where do people get their ideas for their goals? From their dreams. Dreams are at the root of peoples actions and thoughts.
drams make you do stupid things they are bad in fact we should just stop dreaming altogether i think that would bring peace to the world
ReplyDeleteI think foolish dreams can be misleading and time wasting but if you are willing to put in the time and effort to reach an achievable goal it is possible.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Michael Scott, but we do need to consider the consequences that come with trying to achieve our dreams. In some instances, dreams are impossible but people DO achieve them. Its important to dream something instead of the consequences of life smash you down before you can even try to accomplish anything.
I think that everybody can follow their dreams. I want to be either a Calvin Klein model or be featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, so I am going to do whatever it takes to get there. Everybody needs to have the courage to GO BIG and SHINE ON!
I say amen to that Amen. You make a good point about how when you follow your dreams your not sure what will result from your actions.
ReplyDeleteman your really hating on amen's comments. you know mlk did die and thats sad. but it is a relevant example. mlk had a dream. You know who else had a dream? The guy who shot mlk . i guess both of their dreams kinda came true.
to THErapist, how far would you go exactly to get there? Would you kill someone to get there?
i agree with Boston's Fine$t that you shouldn't follow your dreams you should think about whats right for you and your family if you have one. If your dream is to become a famous actor/actress then your going to need to work really hard and put alot of time into it it isn't just going to get handed to you. Following your dreams takes alot of time and dedication and if you don't have that then your probably going to give up so if you plan on following your dreams then you should have an idea of something you want to do instead because the reality is that it probably wont hapopen.
i think that you should set your dreams aside from your goals and face reality and not set such high expectations.
THErapist, you are exactly right. Take Stepbrothers for example, in the movie. The dad, wanted to be a dinasour when he was young. Then he grew up being harrassed and he stopped following his dream. Then later he tells Dayle to get up there on the stage and rock the F*** out of the drums and follow his dream. Dayle's dad is very unhappy that he didn't follow your dreams. This just goes to show that everying should follow your dream!
But Boston's Fine$t dreams inspire people. It's what makes the impossible, possible. Without dreaming we would be nowhere in this world. We would simply be robots with no aspirations or dreams to reach for higher hieghts. It's what humans do. We dream. And without dreaming how would we be advancing everyday in technology? Finding new ways to powwere the earth.reaming is nessicary. It gives us hope. And hope is everything so Boston's Fine$t are you telling me to stop trying to help the earth and hope for something that could change the world? But see this is what leads me to my next argument yes, you might be a dreamer but just because your a dreamer does that mean you actually get up and pursue your dreams? That's the problem most people have. Yes they dream of conquering new frontiers but do they actually get up and follow through? No sadly enough. And I think part of the reason they don't is because they let people tell them it's impossible. You have to believe and don't let anyone tell you it's imposssible no mateer how out there or crazy it sounds. Because anything is possible.
Okay another example of how MLK's story is completely related to Romeo and Juliet is how they were both immortalized. MLK has his own day, and Romeo has his own play. (I'm a poet!)
Im the 69th one to comment on this...HAHA 69. But on a more serious note, everyone should follow their dreams and keep it real. Otherwise, with out people following their dreams, imagine how boaring people and the world would be.
my initial opinion was to always go for it, but i think some dreams can be unattainable ro stupid or unreasonable. each person decides what to go after, but what if your dream was to become a chicken? how far do u go? do u shape your life around chemistry and physics and praying really really really hard??? dreams have to be sacrificed for, but only you can decide how much you want it and how attainable it is and how much of your life you want to give up.
ReplyDeleteI never said anything about not dreaming Ovie13. I said that people should think about their future before pursuing it. Because if someone has a stupid dream do you think they should pursue it and mess up their life forever? Didn't think so.-Boston's Fine$t
ReplyDeleteFYI BigBanana you probably mean boring