Romeo and Juliet kiss and fall in love within seconds of first meeting each other. Do you think their affection is true love or is it just infatuation? Do you agree with the Friar when he says, “Young men’s love then lies not truly in their hearts but in their eyes?” In general, is love at first sight really possible? Can a person truly be in love with someone that they don’t even know?
I think love at first sight is possible but I also think you should take the time to get to know someone before you marry them! I get that they loved each other but they also could have taken the time to really get to know each other. If they had done that then maybe the story wouldn't have ended like it did.
ReplyDeleteAnd i do agree with the Friar's statement. Men are attracted to women by how they look.
Of course I agree with the Friars quote. Boys don't love girls personallaty, the fall in love with women's breast's. All their looking for is sex.
I think that love at first sight is possible but I dont think romeo and juliet had true love.They never really spent very much time together besides making out. I dont know if they were truly in love or they just thought they each other was good looking.
ReplyDeleteMichael Scott
Personally I think it's obviously infatuation, They hardly even know eachother. No way they can be "in love"
I don't think that it was true love, but more in the moment lust. I mean, everything that they were doing happened so fast, how could they really love each other for who they were. They didn't even really know each other. Love means knowing everything about someone and still loving them, and in the case of Romeo and Juliet they didn't have that.
In my opinion, there is such a thing as true love, however what Romeo and Juliet had wasn't it. They weren't really in love, for goodness sake them had only known each other for a day when they decided to get married, and from what we know of Romeo, he, as the Friar says, "loves with his eyes not his heart." I mean he is in "love" with Rosaline and then the same night becomes in love with Juliet. I believe that this is just infatuation. - jillninja14
ReplyDeleteI think that they went to fast for them to know if it really is true love or not. I also think that what the friar said can be true but does not have to be.
I don't think people can fall in "true love" during a first meeting. I think they can be attracted to each other, but it takes more than one meeting to fall in love. The Friar is right, at least in the beginning. Romeo first liked Juliet because she was beautiful. However, had they had more time together, he might have liked her for who she was as a person.
I think that Romeo and Julliet were just caught up in the moment, and didn't spend enough time together before they got married.
It doesn't look like Romeo really wanted to spend much time getting to know Juliet, he just wanted to be kissing her. That's more of an obsession than true love
ReplyDeleteI agree that men love with their eyes because if someone falls in love just by seeing them then they're just going by their looks.
It is true love. No doubt. If they are so loving towards each other after their first meeting, then they must have true love. Love at first sight is also true in this. I agree with everything actually.... Catch you on the rebound.
People cna see someone and be attracted to them, but I don't think that the could be truely inlove without knowing them. But in todays time guys fall for chicks that are hot and have good outer feautures, but not many look on whats in the inside. I believe that the Friar was exactly right.
I don't think that people can fall in love so easily. Those type of things take time because you wouldn't even know what the person is really like until you start to hang out with them more often.-Boston's Fine$t
ReplyDeletePinkprincess i definately agree with you, I think they shouldn't have rushed into it and should've tried to have more time together and to actually get to know eachother before rushing into marriage.
Considering the circumstance of how Romeo and Juliet fell in love at first sight does follow the Friar's arguement that love is based purely on looks in this situation. Whether I believe in love at first sight, I am not sure. They may feel the feeling of love from the moment they meet, but once they get to know each other and find out if they have any chemistry may cause them to fall out of that supposed love.
I think that love at first sight can only be real. But that's just it: you can love somone physically at first sight, which is the case with Romeo and Juliet. They don't know each other; if Juliet looked like an old lady, Romeo wouldn't have fallen for her. So yes, I agree with the Friar. Real, true love cannot be at first sight. ♥
ReplyDeleteIt was definently obseesion
ReplyDeleteI think that Romeo really did fall in love with Juliet... Well parts of her at least. Besides the fact that they dont know eachother very well, they both like eachother and it is better that they married than Juliet marrying Paris who she doesnt like.
I don't think that love at first sight is real. Its called first attraction. Think about it, if you see someone that looks cute you don't automatically fall in love with them, you say "oh so and so is cute." Thats it.
In my opinion, love at true sight is not possible. People must get to know each other before they commit to somthing as big a marrige. The friar was correct in saying that men only love with their eyes. Las Vega is a prime example of this. People meet, have a little fun, and they wake up the next morning married. Romeo and Juliet did something very simmilar to this when they decided to get married.
Romeo and Juliet were definetely "in love" just based on looks. And their "love" was very rushed. But not all guys just care about looks.
ReplyDeleteMicheal Scott
Love is not real. It is nature's way of tricking you into reproducing. Luckily Romeo and Juliet dies before they could make more of themselves.
ReplyDeletePersonally I think that Romeo and Juliet rushed into their marriage. I agree with the Friar about how this love was just temporary and wouldn't last. Romeo and Juliet got what they deserved because they were thinking irrationally and were not anticipating on how their decisions and actions would affect their family.
ReplyDeleteI think that this was a mix of true love and the effects of extasy. I think that they were the right people for each other but should not have rushed so quickly into their relationship. I believe it was also tough for them though because their fathers would never have let them marry each other.
ReplyDeleteI agree with chicken. Some guys just pick up girls for their looks. However, the other ones take the time to get to know the girl, and actually fall in love with her.
ReplyDelete-Michael Scar
I believe that Romeo and Juliet did encounter love at first sight. Yes, Romeo did think Juliet was smokin hot (as do I,) and wanted to get with her, but he also truly thought she was a godess. Even though he is kind of a wussy, he is successful in wooing a truly gorgeous woman. Love at first sight is not necessarily the case, more as love at first encounter.
ReplyDeletei think love at rirst sight is possible example brooklyn decker
Seleb is right. People rush into so many things nowadays, whether it's love or not. Romeo and Juliet might have loved each other, but who really knows?
Precious. I partially agree with you. Romeo only took extasy in the second movie, though. I don't think they made drugs like that in 1380.
ReplyDelete-Michael Scar
I agree with Michael Scar, but the same goes for girls, if we see a cute guy sometimes it doesn't matter what they are actually like. But when you take the time to get to know the person, you're taking the time to fall in love with them. And true love takes time, it can't be rushed. And thats why Romeo and Juliet didn't have true love, they rushed into it instead of taking their time.
I think love is a gradual process. You can definately be interested or infatuated with someone when you first meet them, but it takes time to get to know them and learn to truly love them. Real love is when you know and accept all of the flaws of a person and love them for it. Infatuation is the belief that the person has no flaws.
ReplyDeleteI think that Romeo and Juliet werent actually in love. In my opinion you have to get to know someone before you can love them. I think that they got married way to fast.
ReplyDeleteNot all boys are just into girls for their breasts and for sex. I personally like watching Dear John and the Last Song with my significant other, or taking long walks in the park. I can be just as sensitive as a girl sometimes. It is hard to fit in sometimes...
THErapist, You're a real man.
ReplyDeleteI agree with THErapist
ReplyDeleteJust because some guys are only attracted to girls for looks doesnt mean we all are.
Michael Scott
Yeah.. you know what The rapist I think your wrong. Most boys wouldn't even look twice at a girl unless she looked good. And then that prompts the boy to talk to them. We look with our eyes first then for personality.
i agree with dancegirl:) because how do you really know this person that you think you love with out first getting to know them.
I 100% agree with the friar's statement! Guys only look what's on the outside. They could care less if you were super nice and ver smart. All they care about is what your bra size is. Personaly I dont think people can fall in love without even knowing each other. A relationship is based on getting to know one another and taking time. Not rushing to something you are not ready for.
ReplyDeletePretty Little Liars's:)
I agree with Ovie13, but also with Micheal Scott. I mean you don't really notice someone unless its something about their looks, whether its their hair, boobs, or what. But Micheal Scott has a point that not all guys are like that.
Maybe all men aren't solely attracted to look but you gotta admit that is a HUGE factor in what gets guys to initially like a girl. I mean, if a girl looks like a total weirdo you'd be less likely to approach her, right?
I also think that boys only look at the outside, I mean you don't normally see a boy dating a ugly girl just because she has a great personality.
I don't think love at first sight can be real, because people often see someone and "fall in love" but then after getting to know them they can realize that person is not someone they like at all.
ReplyDeleteI agree with PinkPrincess looks are initially what we see, because you can't automatically tell how someone is on the inside. You notice them at first for how they are on the outside, and then find out how they REALLY are.
Love is not real. It is a chilish fairy tale, and because Romeo and Juliet were so young they fell for it. Damn horomones.
Seleb is right they rushed into this marriage when you think about it they only knew eachother for like a day befor they got married so it was pretty much a Las Vegas marriage which never work out
ReplyDeletewell, i think romeo's love wasnt entirely fake. he MARRIED her and KILLED himself out of grief. and so did Juliet. anyone who commits suicide has to have some pretty legit emotions. obviously there was obsession, and the relationship would have settled down (the whole "love moderately" stuff) but i think to a degree they really did love each other. they just had to!!!!!!!!!! shakespeare wouldnt do that to me.
ReplyDeleteTHErapist, You are a genious. Most guys would like to just get with a girl because she is a babe. But you can't judge all guys like that. My good friend, THErapist is a wussy just like Romeo and he has a pretty feminan side to him. But he is ok with that, and girls seem to like the softer classy poetic way that Romeo seems to have. And for a guy like Romeo, I believe love at first encounter really did happen.
I think sixteencandles07 is right. People first judge other people by appearances. That's the way is was, is, and will be. Once you get to know someone is when you know what they are like in the inside. True love comes from inside, not outward looks.
ReplyDeleteya las vegas marriges are dumb and dont usally last long but some love at first sight situations might
So "therapist" yeah maybe 1 out of every like 500 guys likes a girl for what's on the inside but if you find someone ugly you aren't even going to give them a second look. Girls are even like that too. If you asked one what they were looking for in a guy they'd say that they have to be attractive, funny, and nice. But first, we look at their looks and if they are ugly, we don't go there. Not trying to be mean, that's just how it is in society right now. "true love" at first sight isn't real.
Thank you Maverick3, I mean love does start from looks, but if its ture love you take the time to get to know that person for how they are on the inside. But none of that happens without juding the inside.
People are not even able to fall in love that quickly. Yes they could get married but then they would actually start to know eachother not not really like them. It only started with Romeo and Juliet because they thought that they looked sexy to eachother.-Boston's Fine$t
ReplyDeleteTrue, sorry
Goldielocks13 is right. However, one perons trash,is another persons treasure. A person who may not seem that attractive to another, may be the most attractive person in the world to another.
Goldielocks13, you are wrong. If you have two attractive people, Romeo and Juliet, they can just look for the attractiveness at first. Are you trying to say they are ugly? Because obviously someone hasn't been watching the movie in class! Two beautiful people can find true love at a glance and follow it up with an amazing encounter.
If you take this to a scientific level, there are too types of bonds that register in the brain. The first one is equivalent to infatuation for instance,the "honeymoon" stage of a marriage. The second bond is a more permanent bond and it is mostly based on friendship which is aquired over time which is what helps marriages last.
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to be physically attracted to someone's looks for it to be attraction, you could be attracted to the way they talk or act like too. Maybe Romeo or Juliet also noticed things like that too.
ReplyDeleteI agree with PEN15 COMMANDER. If two hot people fall in love theres nothing wrong with that if its true love.
I agree with Precious. Two hot people can fall in love, but they shouldn't love each other just because of their looks.
Hey Goldielocks13, just because I am a sensitive guy and not all guys are like me, you don't have to say I am wrong:( I know plenty of genuinely good guys who are good looking. For example, John from Dear John or Will from the Last Song. Both of them are attractive guys but they are sensitive and nice as well.
Micheal Scott has a good point not all guys are like that. But all guys do this if you see a girl that isn't the hottest person there is no way they will go up and start a conversation. Im just saying you may think that some guys dont look with there eyes but you could be really be surprised every guy does it.
ReplyDeletePretty Little Liar 2:)
Yeah there is nothin wrong with true love, no matter what
ReplyDeleteI agree with Maverick3, if two hot people fall in love there is nothing wrong with that. People act like attractive people aren't as nice as ugly people which is even moer judgemental than accusing attractive people.
Pretty Little Liar 2:)-
ReplyDeleteDo not act like girls do not do the same exact thing. Girls would do the same exact thing if they saw the hottest guy in the world they would do the same thing we would if we saw Brooklyn Decker.
im a total happy-ending cheesy person when it comes to stories, and so i think this tragic story should have SOMTHING peachy! it doesnt have to ahve a happy ending but at least they love each other!!! gosh!
ReplyDeleteon the other hand, the sad part of my heart says that romeo really did forget about rosaline in about 12 seconds and you never hear juliet saying how brave or honest romeo is: they're just "beautiful," or "beautiful," or "beautiful," and they're always just longing for that night. INTENSE INFATUATION though, because they both really did commit suicide, and sacrifice their futures and lives for each other. you know what i take it back they loved each other!! gah!
Good Point THErapist. People question if its true love just because it is two attractive people who are involved. Its just like when a girl with big boobs wears the same outfit as a girl with small boobs. The girl with big boobs might be called a slut for wearing it just because of her cup size. Just some food for thought.
Ya. remember back in middle school when every single girl was obsessed with Taylor Lautner? Same exact case.
ReplyDelete-Michael Scarn
For all yalls who believe in love, I hope you grow up some day.
All though that is wildly inappropriate BigBanana69, I would have to agree 100%.
I think that Romeo and Julliet should've been together longer, because maybe there was one topic that they both strongly disagree on like gay marriage. I bet that Romeo supports it giving that his best friend is gay, but does Juliet feel the same way?
As much as we wish to define love our definitions always fall short. We have defined love as getting to know someone and knowing everything you can about a person, and still wanting to spend time with them. But this is not the case. Love cannot be defined or explained. For example many women with abusive husbands still say they DO love their husbands. They know what their husbands are capeable of but still they can't help themselves. Teenagers are constantly frustrated by the fact that they can't control who they like and often think its because of something thats wrong with them. But I would argue that no matter how hard we try to control it, we love who we love, and there is very little we can do about changing that. In regards to the Friars statement I think this is true of some guys but granted not all of them. It has become a stereotype that all guys only look for pretty girls. But this is not true at all.
I will say it again. Love is nature's way of tricking you into reproducing. Its only a bunch of horomones making you believe you need to make more copies of yourself to justify your existence. Nice try.
i think it was not true love they only loved eachother appearence and so they thought they actually loved eachother which they did not
ReplyDeleteThe actors in movies are just that...Actors. Notice how they are really hot. They aren't ugly or else the actresses wouldn't have even noticed them. I'm not saying I like it...I'm just saying that its how things are now a days. I didn't say guys can't be sensitive...I'm just saying that most guys look for beauty before personality.
Love happens. True love not right away, but love is real.
I'm not saying they're ugly either...
ReplyDeletei'm saying if maybe Juliet Was ugly. Romeo wouldnt be in love wiht her.
True love is extremely hard to find, so saying that you love someone seconds after meeting them, it's a complete lie. It isn't love, it's lust. Surface area attraction. Romeo's hot, Juliet's pretty, they fell in love with each other's faces, and automatically think it's love. True love can happen to anyone anywhere within any age limit, but it can't be developed after one meeting. True love means getting to know someone and loving them internally and externally.
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