Capulet arranges for Juliet to marry Paris, while Romeo’s parents have already given him near complete freedom—to the point that he never even goes home during the entire course of the play. Few people in today’s world would argue in favor of arranged marriages, but parents often have strict rules over where teenagers can go, who they can date, and what time they should be home. How much control should a parent have over the social life of a teenager? What kinds of restrictions on a teenager’s freedom do you think are reasonable? Do parents sometimes have different rules for teen boys and teen girls?
Restrictions are ok if they end up benefitting the kid later on, but not if the rules are only there to be controlling
ReplyDeleteI would almost have to say none but if there was no parental control it would lead to an out of control kid: Romeo. But if the parents were to strict it would cause their child to rebel and be unhappy: Juliet.
I think a good medium is needed to keep the kid from rebeling, but not giving them complete freedom.
ReplyDeletei agree with Ovie13 because controling parents end up with children that cant stand thier parents and rebell. but i do think that children should have such a freedom that they do bad things with no punishment.
I think its good for kids to be out experenicing (: I understand rules, and that parents have a right to know. Responsibitly is important, and kids should atleast listen to their parents, don't have to necessarily agree with them but take in account what they say.
I think that parents should have some restrictions with teenagers. I mean if they dont their kid might get into some pretty bad stuff. But I think the parents have to understand and recall what it was like to be a teeenager and not be overly restrictive.
ReplyDeleteMichael Scott
Parents are older, and should be the authority. Teens should have restrictions, but they should also be reasonable. If parents and teens could have an agreement about rules and regulations, life would be so much easier.
ReplyDeleteum well i think there should be a balance. parents should have some power but also give a little freedom
Parents are there to guide children. But as kids grow up their parents have less and less control over them. If a parent has raised a child right, then when the child is a teenager they should be given as much freedom as they want. Because if the child was really raised right then they would be able to make good choices on their own and not get themselves into bad situations.
Yes i think that teenage bopys do have a little less restriction then teenage girls but that is because parents trust them more. i think that parents should have control over teenagers social life to some extent but there is a point where it gets to strong and then the parents are just being worried control freaks. which needs to end.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to protection there is a fine line between protection and creating a glass bubble around a teens world. Where restrictions are put it is important that these restrictions allow protection but do allow for a kid to make their own mistakes. It is an important part in learning about the world that mistakes are made. It is very crucial that parents do not put a bubble around their teen, this bubble while origionaly for protection can end up hurting the teen in the end. Some parents become so concerned with protecting their children from sex that they do not teach them about it. Concequently when these teens enter a situation they have no idea what to do or how to act safely. In an effort to sheild their kids from the dangers of being a teenager they blind them in how to deal with these. The truth of the matter is; is that these things are out there and it is better to teach a teen how to deal with them then to sheild them all together. Protection is good up to a point, unitl it becomes a bubble.
ReplyDelete~Spiderman (above)
ReplyDeleteI think that Capulet's intentions meant well when he arranged that marriage between Paris and Juliet becuase he knew that the marriage would bring power and wealth to both the families involved in it. Also Paris was a much better groom than Romeo becuase he was not super emotional and didn't act like a girl.
ReplyDeleteI think it is ok for parents to have some restrictions, but in general I think that every teenager can say that they would like more freedom. Sometimes parents need to remember how they felt when they were a kid, and cut us just a little bit of slack.
ReplyDeleteThere are definitely different rules for teen boys and girls. If the father of a teenage son found out his son had just lost his virginity, he might chest bump or give his son a high five. If he found out his daughter had sex, he would go out and kill the boy she did it with. Just another example of the stereotypes of teenage boys and girls.
I think that parents have the right to dictate parts of a teenagers life but I don't think they should have total control.
I agree that there should be some restrictions like a cerfew and things like that but the restrictions shouldn't be over controlling because that causes the person that is being controlled to be unhappy and then not want to follow the restrictions that have been set like Juliet. But if the restrictions are not enough then the person could end up gwetting into alot of troyuble or never being home when they need to be like Romeo. I bring uop the never home when they need to be point because when tybalt challenges Romeo he sent it to his house and Romeo had no idea because of how much freedom he had but if he was home and knew about the challenge then maybe the scene when mercutio dies could've been alot differant.
I agree with Maverick3 if parents put to much restiction on kids, then when we get thrown out into the real world, how are we going to know what to do if parents make all the desicions for us? If you give to much freedom to teens then they could end up smoking weed in the feild like all those other kids. Authority is good but so is Freedom.
Teens need their space and freedom. I think that we should have the freedom to do what we want (within reason) until we prove to our parents that we aren't capable of handling it.
I think that a relationship between teens and parents should be give and take. If you earn the freedom to do certain things, then your parents should give it. But they should loosen the reins a bit and give you the freedom that they know you deserve. Nothing in life comes free, not when its worth it.
I agree with what has been said about how some restrictions is a good thing. To many rules however is a bad thing and might end up having the exact opposite effect of what they were created for.
my opinion is that in general (every kid is different), parents should teach their kids how to use their freedom, and give it to them once they know how. Too much control leads to rebelliousness. the parents have to do what they think is best, for their child. I personally only have a lot of freedom because my parents trust me to use it wisely.
ReplyDeleteJuliet is just a teenage girl. She sees only one positive side of marriage. Love. Through his experience Capulet realized that money outlives love.
I think that parents and teens need to find a level of freedom that works for both of them. It cant be the parents being a total dicator or letting the kids run wild either.
ReplyDeleteMichael Scott
Parents should definetly have control over their children because they can't be able to run a household. But parents should let their child have freedoms within reason because of what Ovie13 said.-Boston's Fine$t
ReplyDeleteI think that we do need rules to follow as a teenager, but not to the extreme. This teenage time is a time where we are supposed to experiment and figure out who we are. And we can't do we do that greatly strict rules. But they are trying to protect you, so some rules are necessary for protection. So sure you can tell your kids that they can't go, who they can date, and what time they should be home, but only to a certain extent for safety. Like telling them they can't go out after dark alone is okay, and they can't date people on drugs or bad influences are okay. Those are for protection. And I feel that being a girl gives you a little more rules, because I know my mom doesn't let me out after dark because creepers are more likely to creep on young girls than boys. So some rules are good, but too many restricts experimentation and discovery of who they are. - jillninja14
ReplyDeleteYou can't really say boys or girls should have more freedoms or restrictions. It really just depends on the kid. Different people handle responsibilties and freedoms in different ways.
The teenage brain is a mysterious thing. So much is going on, and the last stages of developmet are taking place as teens go through their teen years. The judgement center of the brain is the part that is still developing, and this is probably evolutions way of teaching us what is good and what is bad. Restrictions keep us safe, however sometimes one must experience something bad, in order to avoid it in the future.
Parents need to give teenagers more freedom on who they date and when they come home. Parents are just so uptight about everything, I think they just need to come down and relax about everything and need to give a little trust to their teenagers and be able to know they are not going to do something stupid.
ReplyDeletePretty Little Liar 2:)
I think that having some parental control over teenagers and kids is a good thing so they dont go out and do something that they regret for a long, long while. On the other hand, I believe that parents should give kids some freedoms so they can go and hang out with their freinds and can experience life on their own so when they go to college, the experience isnt too new and shocking.
I agree with trescat and Ovie13 because parents need to manage their kids life to a certain point and keep them out of trouble but they don't need to control every aspect of their life. It's also a matter of collaboration between parent and child. How much control the parent thinks and the kid thinks is necessary should be compromised into a common agreement.
ReplyDeletei do agree that parents are up tight but you have to think is being mad at them for trying to help you make good with your life a good idea.
Parents most of the time are just trying to do what's right for you. But that doesn't always mean it is right.
You learn from trail and error, teens have to learn somethings on their own. But the parents job is to provide that stable ground for the kid to do this without him getting screwed in the end. Their needs to be some rules, but the rules need to lessen as the teen shows maturity and grows up. And yes there are different rules for boys and girls.
Juliet sounds all smart and mature, but if she really was she would not be chasing after Romeo. Capulet knows best.
To an extent, restrictions on a child's freedom are within reason, that's why we live with our guardian's until we turn 18. Not to say that everyone is born to be a parent or take care of children, and that some may have poor judgement when it comes to childcare. Being so ignorant to think that a parent's restrictions are not for what they think will protect you is out of line. To a parent, the world can be an evil place, and while some decisions on their part can be a little much, they have the best intentions. Of course there will be different regulations for boys and girls because we still live in a society where girls are perceived as weaker and easier to take advantage of. It's just the way we live and we have to be aware that there are creepy people in the world that will use these ideas at their own perogative.
If parents dont give teenagers bounderies then, there going to make there own and then theres going to be more problems in the long run.
Here it is again just in case.....
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to protection there is a fine line between protection and creating a glass bubble around a teens world. Where restrictions are put it is important that these restrictions allow protection but do allow for a kid to make their own mistakes. It is an important part in learning about the world that mistakes are made. It is very crucial that parents do not put a bubble around their teen, this bubble while origionaly for protection can end up hurting the teen in the end. Some parents become so concerned with protecting their children from sex that they do not teach them about it. Concequently when these teens enter a situation they have no idea what to do or how to act safely. In an effort to sheild their kids from the dangers of being a teenager they blind them in how to deal with these. The truth of the matter is; is that these things are out there and it is better to teach a teen how to deal with them then to sheild them all together. Protection is good up to a point, unitl it becomes a bubble.
Parents should not control every aspect of a kids's life becasue if they did that how would you learn how to make mistakes? Making mistakes is a huge part of life and parents have to be sucure enough in their kids to give them enough freedom to make mistakes. Becasue if kids don't learn how to make mistakes then what will they do when they get to the real world?
raising teens is like nailing jello to a tree. apparently many adults have succeeded.
ReplyDeleteand they all have their own methods. the jello gets no say.
and i like to protection -bubble analogy too, Spiderman
PinkPrincess is right. Mistakes are important. But parents have to make sure teens don't make really bad, life-threatening mistakes. That's where rules and restrictions come in.
I agree with Checkitout(: As teens we might not understand or like the restrictions parents give us but they've been alive longer and have learned more so they are probably a bit smarter when it comes to making the right choices.
I think teenagers see their parents as their friends when they get what they want, but see them as enemies when they are strict.
i agree with ovie13 parents are always just trying to do whats right for you just many times what they are doing isnt right for them. like when Caspulet makes juliet marry Paris he is trying to help but really he just screws things up and gets his duaghter killed bhut it is ok because he did it with good intensions
ReplyDeleteI agree with Maverick3. Rules are ok if they protect you from doing something dumb that could ruin your life.
ReplyDeleteParents have a right to restrict there own child or give them however much freedom they see fit. But, I beleive that there should be a middle ground.
I agree with Michael Scott. There has to be a balance on rules and freedoms. Too much free can lead to disater but so can not enough freedom. This balance depends on the individual child as well as the parents. Rule cannot be generalized, they have to be unique to the ones who are under them.
But if parents know that their kids are going to make a mistake, they why would we direct them that way? I would want my kids to know what the right choice is and if they dont i can help them do so.
I think Capulet was right to keep a close eye on his daughter because when he didn't Juliet got herself married and killed yet she's complaining about an arranged marriage when she would have been much better off because Paris is not an emotional reck like Romeo.
ReplyDeleteWhen kids are teens, they make choices that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Parents want to make sure those choices are good ones.
Unfortunatly, since Juliet did not really get to know Romeo there was no way to know that he was an emotional wreck. Kids should listen to their parents because parents have gone through all of the same stuff that teens are going through. However, arranged marrige is taking it a little to far.
I agree with Ovie13. Romeo and Juliet show the two extremes of parental control. They are showing what no control does and what too much control does. There had to be a medium where you have some control over your kids but not too much. -jillninja14
ReplyDeleteCheckitout, but should you force kids into making the right choice, or should you let them learn on their own. If you force them, it will make them dependent on your rules, and not deciding by their own free will.
ReplyDelete-Michael Scar
I think that kids should be scared enough of their parents that if they do something wrong they know that they won't ever do it again because they will be punished severely. Parents should be somewhat like Absolute monarchs/Dictators.-Boston's Fine$t
ReplyDeleteI disagree with Boston's Fine$t because some parents just really aren't all that scary. some parents are impossible to respect because they are weak leaders. Not every one is made up to be a dictator which is probably a good thing.
ReplyDeleteParents shouldn't be like absolute dictators. They should be respected, not feared all the time.
ReplyDeleteThere are some rules parents have that make sense and will benifit you later in life and you will be thankful you had those rules. There are also some parents that take rules too far and give their kids no freedom at all. If parents are just making rules because they feel like they need more power over the kid, they shouldnt make the rules.
ReplyDeleteAs a child I grew up with very strict Muslim parents. They were way too controlling of my life, it was to the point where they were deciding which schools I was going to, what classes. My dad chose my high school for me, I didn't have a choice. I graduated from 8th grade and had to find out from my aunt that I was going to GHCHS. My father forced me to wear hijab, so I rebelled and took off my hijab at school, so I would leave the house with a hijab, get to school, take it off, and put it back on when my parents came to pick me up. It was soul crushing for me to lie to my parents everyday about what I was wearing (or not wearing) because I was too weak to stand up. I had a boy ask me out in the 9th grade, and because I didn't no better and never had any experience, I dated him. If I trusted my parents enough to tell them about him, maybe they could've warned me that that boy was trouble and would only break my heart. I made so many unnecessary mistakes in my life, all because my parents weren't there to teach me what to do in certain moments. Everyone else had parents who they could go to for advice without them throwing stuff at you and comparing you to other kids. Oh God, if your parents never compared you to other children, are you even Asian? I am very sensitive when it comes to my parents, and I don't think I will ever have a positive attitude towards them. I feel like I could've been happier at an orphanage. If there are any parents reading this, let. Your. Kid. Live their life. It's their life, not yours. You've already had yours. Build trust with them, and never EVER in any circumstances, compare them to other children. It'll break their hearts. I t sure did break mine.