Lots of characters play a role in the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. It seems that almost everyone in the play has some hand in the series of events that lead to its tragic ending. But of all the characters in the play, who is the guiltiest? Which one person is the most to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet? Why is that one person guiltier than any of the others?
I would have to say Mericutio. I mean he led to the death of Tybalt which in turn got Romeo exiled and he persuaded Romeo to go to the party and not trust his gut.
I would say that Romeo is to blame. He felt like something bad was going to happen if he went to the party, and still he went. Even though Mercutio convinced him to go, Romeo still could've chosen not to go.
I think everyone played a part in the deaths but the parents did a lot of it. They weren't open to any other ideas other than their own and were so harsh to their children the kids eventually killed themselves because they didn't see a way out.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Trescat, everyone did play a role and in the end everyone lost someone whom they loved, and the Frair was just trying to make amends between the two families, which was a great idea except it didnt go down that path. Romeo and Juliet were just two typical teenagers who "feel in love", but then later created a mess of it. Typical.
i think that the parents of juliet and romeo have a lot to do with the tragedy because if the parents of juliet and romeo did hate each other so much than romeo and juliet would have to sneek around and juliet and romoe could have gotten married and lived happily but instead everyone hates each other so they do sneek behind thier parents backs.
The person who I think is to blame for everything in this play is Rosalyn. In the play Rosalind turns down Romeo making him depressed and desperate for love. Because of this he falls in love with the first pretty girl he sees, Juliet, and decides to marry her without really getting to know her and the rest is all downhill from there. Due to cause and effect, this whole play can be traced back to Rosalyn.
ReplyDeleteBecause the story is so complacated and intertwined, I don't think there is any one person to take the blame.
Capulet was the biggest at fault, not caring about his daughter's wants, just his own. The friar had to make this huge elaboate plan just because Capulet would not let Juliet marry Romeo.
ReplyDeleteI think that everyone played a major role in this ending. If any of the people involved had paused to think what the best course of action really was I think that the ending would have been entirely different. If Romeo had used his head istead of marrying Juliet withing the first couple of days of knowing here this wouldn't have happened. If Juliet had listened to herself when she said that this is too quick this wouldn't have happened. If the friar had not marryied them this wouldn't have happen. If capulet didn't force Juliet to marry Paris this wouldn't have happened. If the nurse hadn't assisted Juliet in getting messages to Romeo this wouldn't have happened. Like I said before if any of these pieces of the "puzzle" had been removed the story most likely would not have ended in the same tragic way.
I agree with Seleb, but I do agree that everyone had a role in this. There are many different people that could be blamed because certain parts of the play could be traced back to them. It just depends on what part of the story you're focusing on.
The parents (Montague and Capulet) are to blame. If they hadn't been at war and hated each other so much then Romeo and Juliet wouldn't have had to hide their love and in turn wouldn't have died. Tybalt wouldn't have killed Mercutio and gotten Romeo banished if their respective houses weren't at war. And if Capulet had been able to know what Juliet felt for Romeo, maybe he wouldn't have forced Juliet to marry Paris.
I dont think you can blame one person for the tragedy that happened in the story. You could say Capulet because he didnt care about what his daughters wants. But you can also blame a lot of other people
ReplyDeleteMichael Scott
I truthly think that Mercutio is to blame, because Romeo had a dream telling that going to the party would end up killing him, and Mercutio convinced him to ignore it.
ReplyDeletei believe that Romeo had the biggest part in the blame. i mean if he wasn't always overreacting then they wouldn't have all died. look what happen when he over reacted and killed Tybalt it got him exciled. and when he over reacted about Juliet's "death" it got them both killed. i think that Romeo needs to quite acting like a girl and act rationally and none of this would have ever happened
ReplyDeleteI truthly think that Mercutio is to blame, because Romeo had a dream telling him that going to the party would end up killing him, and Mercutio convinced him to ignore it.
It is Shakespeare's fault. He killed everyone.
love it
ReplyDeletei believe mercutio was at fault if he would have of just walked away in the first place this mess would never have happened
Personally, I think Capulet and Montague and to blame. They kept their kids from their so called "love of their lives" and looked what happened. If they had just been open and let Romeo and Juliet live a happy life together, none of this would have ever happened.
TO EVERYONE, you are all wrong. The person who is most at blame is Balthazar! If it were not for him, the plan would have been fulfilled perfectly. No wonder Romeo was so mad at him! That's how I know it is Balthazar, because Romeo is only concerned with being angry with him.
I agree with -superstar- that their parents have alot to do with it because if they wouldn't have had this fued then Tybalt wouldn't have killed Mercutio which in direct relation wouldn't have made Romeo kill Tybalt because there would've been nothing to get revenge for. This also goes along with the deaths of Romeo and Juliet if everyone knew about them being in love then Juliet wouldn't have had to fake her death to get out of marrying Paris and Romeo wouldn't have been banned for killin Tybalt just to come back kill Paris and then kill himself. Then if that never happened Juliet wouldn't have killed herself because Romeo would still be alive.
What did Mercutio have to do with anything. He was just standing up for what he wanted...he didn't make Romeo or Juliet do anything...?
ReplyDeletePlease do explain
romeo. he's an idiot. lots of other characters influenced him badly (such as tybalt killing mercutio) or were part of his bad luck (prince banishing him), but he had his own choices, he didnt have to blow up and go killing tybalt or somthing. other characters were to blame too, but most of them were accidents, and the characters generally meant well for romeo. at least they werent acting like idiots.
ReplyDeleteI blame horomones.
You can trace the whole thing back to just one person, like Rosalind, and say she started the entire thing, or you can say it was Balthazar because he ruined the Friar's plan. Personally, I think there were too many holes in the plan where things could go wrong.
I definetly agree with Trescat that sure everyone was to blame, but the parents played the biggest role. Sure you have the people you don't like, but that doesn't mean you should be awful and rude to them. You should respect everyone and Romeo and Juliet couldn't console their parents, which is what led to their death. -jillninja14
ReplyDeleteI would have to say that they are all at fault for there actions. No one person is perfect but, if they all would have seen the clue's and would have minded there own buisness then maybe 1 or 2 people would be dead but not them all.
ReplyDeleteI would have to say that they are all at fault for there actions. No one person is perfect but, if they all would have seen the clue's and would have minded there own buisness then maybe 1 or 2 people would be dead but not them all.
Romeo was way too impulsive. If he had just slowed down and thought about it for awhile, he could have realized there must be a plan, because Juliet wouldn't just kill herself, she would be trying to find a way to be with him.
ReplyDeleteBut it wouldn't have mattered if Balthazar had told him or not because Friar Jhon never got the letter to Romeo so Juliet wouldVe woken up and then Romeo still wouldn't be there. So there is no way that it is his fault. I'm sticking with my thought that it is Romeo and Juliets parents fault because if they didn't hate eachother then their love never would've been hidden which wouldn't have called for the plan and after that BALTHAZAR wouldn't have had to tell Romeo anything because he would still be there and so would Juliet and everyone else. So know it's the parents fault.
I think that we should all blame rosalyn for this whole thing. If she could just like romeo for a little while and let him have some fun than he would have never have loved juliet. I also think the friar is to blame because he was one big dumbass for thinking that their marriage would work out.
Not any 1 person is to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet but the most blame should be put on Mercutio and Romeo. The reason is because Mercutio made Romeo go to the party eventhough he ddin't want to. It's also Romeo's fault because he was just being stupid throughout the whole play, blaming everything on fate, and never telling himself to stop seeing Juliet because she's a Capulet their enemy. -Boston's Fine$t
ReplyDeleteI dont think Mercutio was at fault nearly as much as many of the other characters in the story. He didnt hook romeo and juliet up and keep their love a secret.
ReplyDeleteMichael Scott
Everybody played a role in this. Almost everybody in the play could be the one that people say led Romeo and Juliet to their tragic ends. However, when it comes right down to it, the people that kept Friar John quarintined, might have played to biggest role. Had they let him go, the letter would have been deliered to Romeo on time, and none of what happened would have happened.
I agree with maverick. I think that the everyone's lives and choices are so intertwined that no one person is to blame. i think certain played a larger role it the tragedy than others such as Romeo and others but no one really intended for things to turn out the way they did.
ReplyDeleteBut you know what he did do? He initiated it by convincing Romeo to go to the party. BOOM!
The person at fault in my eyes is the princess boy ROMEO. He had a bad feeling about the party which he met Juliet at, but still he chose to go. At the time, it seemed like it was a genius idea for him to go, but in the end, both the Montague and Capulet houses were cursed. Just like Mercutio said...
ReplyDeleteTHAT WAS THErapist^^^ sorry
ReplyDeleteIt is not a single person to blame for the death of these two lovers, it is the hatred between the families. It is this hatred that bans the love between Romeo and Juliet and ultimatly causes their death. If it were not for their hatred the couple would have no problem and would be able to love happily! :)
I dont think that Tybalt was to blame for any of this. He was just an angry dude out there trying to get some. Dont hate the player hate the game man.
Everyone is kind of to blame. Had one person done something a little different, the entire thing would've turned out differently. You can't really put blame on anyone seeing as a tiny little thing could change the outcome by alot.
ReplyDelete(But I still think the parents are the most to blame)
Also Montague and Capulet were to blame because of their rivalry and their differences they couldnt get over. If they could just get over their differences this marriage couldve worked out just fine and they could have lived happily.
In this circumstance, I don't beleive anyone is guiltier than any other. This tale of woe was simply brought on by every person's unknowing and poor timing. Really it's as simple as that. And also, the play was set up from the beginning, so regardless there was nothing anyone could do about it.
I agree with Michael Scott that everyone was to blame a little. But i think the majority of the blame should go to Montague and Capulet for hating each other without cause.
i agree with the prince, in a sort of opposite way. i think no everyone was to blame, which is another was of saying no one was. no one meant for that to happen. some choices weren't the wisest, but no one was planning on such big consequences. life gets weird somtimes.
ReplyDeleteShakespeare wrote the play to be confusing. He set it up so not any one person could be blamed for the horrible resulting mess.
I still think it's Mercutio's fault, but I also agree with Michael Scott.
I disagree with Superstar about the parents being the root of all evil because they made a bond in the end with eachother and I think that Romeo and Juliet thought that their parents hated each other way more than they really did and I think if they would have included their parents in their relationship from the beginning they could have taken baby steps into getting their parents to like each other and see that the other is not evil.
ReplyDeletei agree with precious the friar made big mistake thinking the marriage would work out. to be honest it had no chance because of the conflict between the two familys and he had to know that juliet was getting close to an age where her parents would be setting her up an arranged marriage
ReplyDeleteEveryone has to look at the big picture... While it is true that mercutio may have convinced him to go to the party or balthazar screwed up the friar's plan, without everyone "working together" the ending would certainly not have been the same.
But sometimes in marriage you argue. I mean I do not know one couple who has been together and never argued. It's just inevitable it's part of being together and being married. And that could have easily been going on in the Capulets house which further more prompts Juliet to run away and rebel for merely a boy she just met. And when her Dad snapped and beat her and the nurse had to step in it could easily have been because of stress he snapped. It happens with my parents all the time when their under alot of stress they tend to be more snappy. And Juliet pushed his boundaries to far because he was obviously stressed about not having a male heir.
It's really the parents fault, because they're the ones who started the whole feud betweent the houses. If that wasn't there, Romeo and Juliet could have met and married with no problems.
ReplyDeleteThis play shows how genius Shakespeare really is. He wrote it so that we have no way of knowning who HE thought was to blame. And maybe he wrote it so the reader couldn't thrust the blame on anyone in particular. He wrote the play so that at first an event seems little but when you look back at it later, you see that it played a huge role in what happens. In Shakespare's plays everything happens for a reason.
ReplyDeleteAnd by knowing how great a playwrite Shakespeare is, we can see that he inteded us to place the blame on certain people when really the blame is to be taken by everyone.
I think that everyone had a role in their death for example: Mercutio convinced Romeo to go to the party
ReplyDeleteCapulet made Juliet want to run away
Paris wanted to marry Juliet
The Friar came up with this crazy ellaborate plan
The Other Friar didn't give the note to Romeo
Balthasar told Romeo that Juliet was dead
I mean everyone had some role in them dieing
i think that many people are to balme you really cant pin point it to one individual i gues that is the thing about tragedy plays everything that could possibly go wrong goes wrong. so Shakespeare is to blame because he is the one who put it all together so that this tragic ending occured
ReplyDeleteTiconderoga, I think that is exactly correct
I guess since it's a tragedy numerous people are to blame but some are more blame than others like Mercutio and Romeo.-Boston's Fine$t
ReplyDeleteStill the parent no matter what you say so ha!
I think we are to blame because we are the audience and without us, Shakespeare wouldn't have written the play.
ReplyDeletei think it is the parents
ReplyDeleteThe parents: They were the ones who never let Romeo and Juliet get together. They were the ones who had a long vengeance for each other. They were absolute enemies.
I believe that it's everyone's fault. The families fighting each other, the prince being a masive pussy about the issue, both a priest and wet nurse getting a 13 and 17 year old couple married as well as Romeo and Juliet killing themselves and Rosaline didn't bloody help anyone (good work Rosaline). And finally, Nearly everyone thinking with either their swords, their small head or fantasies.
ReplyDeleteI believe it was Friar Lawrence's because he was a coward, secretive, and also he had a lack of communication.
ReplyDeleteFriar Lawrence knew that Romeo only like Juliet because Romeo was heartbroken over Rosaline. Romeo was being thirsty and went after a 14 year old girl (Juliet) and Friar knew this. He did not tell Romeo to wait and calm down but encouraged the boy into the marriage . Romeo and Juliet had only met 5 hours before and friar being selfish wanted the feud between the families to end so he secretly married the two. If Friar would have up front of the marriage and told romeo to slow down and think about what he was doing first then there deaths may have been prevented.
Another way Friar could have prevented the deaths was when Juliet came into the cell with Frair threating to kill herself over Romeo , Frair could have just let her and romeo might still be alive. Or he could have took the sword away from her and also just secretly take her in a carriage to the place were Romeo was banished at then he would have left her and romeo and Juliet would have been together .
if Friar Lawerence would have personally taken the note to Romeo then the couple would have known the plan and no confusion would be involved. Friar Lawrence being lazy gave the letters to a messenger who got pulled over for the suspension of having the plague. If Frair would have just gotten up and taken the letters there wont be any problems.
In the tomb Friar had the chance to save Juliet but e was a coward and left her in the tomb alone knowing she was capable of suicide. Frair heard voices and got scared and ran off leaving Juliet with 3 dead bodies and 2 of them had knifes and swords. Juliet taking in appoin herself to commit suicide and killed herself with romeos dagger . In the end after frair admitted to the sins he did, he still didn't die!!!!!!!!!!!
If Friar Lawrence wasn't selfish, secretive, a coward, and had good communication skills Romeo and Juliet would have still been alive.
I completely agree. The kids are in love and they are young so their mistakes are understandable, but the Friar is supposed to be the adult here. He continuously makes bad decisions and tries to cover for himself rather than doing what is best for R&J. This is the best argument I have heard yet.
ReplyDeleteI blame Shakespeare.
Lots of people chose to blame Friar Lawrence? and I really don't get it. He wasn't the one who made Romeo and Juliet fall in love with each other, he was the only one who helped them. As you know, the reason Romeo and Juliet committed suicide was because they couldn't be with each other, and Friar Lawrence was basically the only light in their dark tunnels fulfilled with people pressuring and criticizing their choices of falling in love with each other. And, even if Friar Lawrence didn't help them, do you think they would've ended up just giving up on each other? not really, as you should know, they were almost crazy about each other. But trying to get them married was a poor choice, which if was successful, could have been the most smartest choice. To add more in, Juliet taking the potion was her own choice, not Friar Lawrence's. what other choices did he had other then giving her the potion when she was threatening him to shoot herself on the head in his room right in front of him? If Friar Lawrence hasn't have her the potion, she could have done something even more worst, I mean, if she had a courage to kill herself (when she was threatening Friar Lawrence) and drink a potion that can kill her ( she even said) do you think she would have not got any courage to kill herself? If more character in this play was more like Friar Lawrence, they wouldn't have ended up killing themselves.
ReplyDeleteIt was the servants fault in the beginning. If he only knew how to read, he wouldn't have had to show Romeo and his group the letter that had to do with the party and nothing would've ever happened there on out.
ReplyDeleteJust stating the obvious.
DeleteI believe it is Peter's fault. If he knew how to read Romeo would not have been invited to the ball. Where he met Juilet. If they met a different time it would have been fates fault.