Romeo, Juliet, the Nurse, and the Friar all lie, or at least mislead other people, during the course of the play and ultimately their lies all end in disaster. Most people, even honest ones, end up having to bend the truth at one time or another in their lives, but what might happen if everyone thought it was fine to lie all the time? Is it acceptable to tell a “little white lie” or one that doesn’t hurt anyone? Can you think of any times when a person might need to lie and would be morally right for doing so?
Soemtimes it's ok to lie. Little lies, like saying you like someones clothes when you really don't, are ok. As long as they don't hurt anyone, then it's fine. However, even little white lies can eventually be harmful, especially in bulk. Overall, people should lie as little as possible.
The truth is usually more painful but its better than believing a bunch of lies to make yourself or other people more comfortable
ReplyDeletei think that lying is not right but many times you do need to bend the truth because of bad laws like juliet having to listen to her parents and marry paris
ReplyDeleteLying in general is bad but everyone lies at one time or another. As long as you lie about something small and think about the consequences of your lie before you say it, its is alright sometimes. Lying and telling someone that their new haircut looks great even when you think it is bad is ok because you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. And it is your opinion it looks bad and some other people might not think so.
I agree with Maverick3, it is ok to lie when it doesn't hurt anyone, although lies that hurt people are uncalled for.
People say that a little white lie every now and then is okay, you can always pull yourself out of a little hole, just don't dig too deep. But I am a firm believer in karma. I think that anything that you do will effect something else. And the belief that no one will get hurt is completely false. Everything that you do will effect someone somehow. Whether you mean to or not, you will hurt someone by that you do...even if it is yourself. I think karma will come back to haunt you, so those little white lies, are just huge monsters hiding in the back of the cave to come get you. - jillninja14
ReplyDeletePretty much everyone in the world lies now. Maybe we should refrase the question: WHAT IF EVERYONE TOLD THE TRUTH? The world would be a better place, yes they might tell you something you dont want to here but, in the end most people would rather be told the truth then a lie.
awesome wings123, I am sorry but I don't agree with you. Lying is NEVER right, even just bending the truth, because when you have to repeat that "bend" again then it doesn't come out the same way. People can get really hurt and wrongly accused for that bend you made. So just don't lie, it is hard, but think before you talk and don't just spit everything on your mind out into the open.
"I'd rather be disappointed by the truth, than hurt with a lie."
ReplyDeleteLies always end up getting you into a situation whether its right then or down the road a little bit. People may lie all the time but its still not the right thing to do. Lies hurt people in the end and its just not worth it.
It is ok to tell a little lie but only when it doesn't hurt anybody in the process. For example telling a little child that the Easter bunny, Santa, and the Tooth Fairy really exist is ok because that doesn't hurt them at all.-Boston's Fine$t
ReplyDeleteI think that the issue with lying depends entirely on the situation the the lying occurs in. If the intent behind the lie is good then i think that is ok as long as not too much rests on the outcome. For example when the friar marries them without anyone else knowing, while he meant well i think that it was too much of a risk attached to it. If this go wrong which they obviously did i think that the cost outways the potential gain.
My parents never lie.
ReplyDelete"Santa Clause is real! Seriously!
They just make life interesting. and magical (Santa Clause IS real).
Ticonderoga and Maverick3, I totally disagree. Every lie that comes out of your mouth will hurt somebody. You can say, "this won't hurt anyone," but even if it isn't hurting someone else, it is hurting you. -jillninja14
ReplyDeleteWell, in certain situations who have to lie. I mean from personal experience when I do something bad and tell my parents the truth the punishment is often more severe then when I choose not to tell them and just leave that issue in the dark.
I think that in this case them lying was needed because with Romeo and Juliet being from houses that hate eachother but still being "in love" they had to keep their parnets from knowing or their relationship would be ruined or their parents might go as far as to kill them. An example to support this would be when Juliet tells her father she wouldn't marry Paris her dad goes crazy saying if she doesn't then he will kill her. So im pretty sure if they didn't lie then she would have been killed out of anger. So i believe with this evidence that yes it is okay to tell a small lie once in a while with a very good reason but not all the time.
I think that its ok to tell some lies like if your lieing to be nice to someone but some people do lie way too much
ReplyDeleteMichael Scott
Everyone lies, whether its to avoid a complicated situation or to pursuade others to do your bidding. There is no way to say that a completely honest world is ideal, because, frankly, we are all too sensitive to handle the whole truth. Depending on the lie, however, the consequences may take a serious toll on the fibber. Really it is one's own judgement on how to deal with a situation, and for that they will pay whatever price they got themselves into.
Checkitout3(:, you aren't the one asking questions here. It's ok to have a small little lie as long as nobody gets hurt. Lies can even help people. If you tell a person that they look bad when they ask you how they look because that is truely what they do, that could really hurt their feelings. They could even not consider you a friend anymore as well. It's ok to lie a little bit aslong as it doesn't hurt anybody.
Lying usually gets you into a really big hole, the bigger the lie is. If the lie is just changing a little part of a story or something, nothing that has a really big impact on anyone, then its not that big of a deal.
ReplyDeleteI think that everyone lies at some point in their lives. I mean almost every day something slips out of your mouth that isnt 100% true. I mean come on we all do it right?? Unless your Jesus than everyone lied before and I dont think anyone here is Jesus. The consequences of these white lies come when you tell them all the time without thinking of the consequences and this is when you can get in trouble and lose friends.
Lying is wrong. However, there are times when a little white lie might boost moral of a person and make them do better. However, there are also instances where a little white lie might make that person over confident, and then they would not preform as well. Just be carful when considering wheather or not to lie. Think ahead to what might happen if you do, or if you don't.
Lying is an avoidable part of life. Without lies we would be in a far worse place. They help us in social situations and political gain. I personally hate to lie. (That's a lie)
Its never good to lie. I mean even telling a white lie can be bad because you are not being honest with that person. But if a lie can get you out of a sticky situation that could really hurt someone on the way, than I would lie to pretect that person. This is just like in the Friar's case he lied to pretect Juliet and Romeo and I personaly think he had no other choice. Lieing is never good but if it is you're last choice than I would think it would be ok just this one time.
ReplyDeletePretty Little Liars 2:)
I feel that sometimes it is necessary to lie but only if it will protect or help another person in the long run. I feel that lying should never be used to protect oneself though because that is selfish and could potentially hurt another person. But lying for the greater good is every once in a while necessary.
ReplyDeleteI think lieing is not right and thier is no reason not to be honest. If you lie and your earn the reputation of a "lair" then most people won't trust you. But then their are times that require a lie, becasue to be honest the truth can hurt sometimes. Like when talking to little kids and trying to explain a suicide of a loved one, then you don't go telling little five year olds about how their grandpa killed himself. You keep out the parts about hus mental issues and the bad things he did in his life, but you tell them all the good that he did and that he passed away peacefully. also, explain to them that he is in a better place.
ReplyDeleteThis could be considered lying but it is neccesary. There is also telling truth, but not the whole truth. This example is similair to that. Lying is bad but sometimes it is nessecary.
I think funky fresh beans is right. If there is even a chance someone can get hurt, then you shouldn't lie. Period.
Well...Lying is a slippery slope. If you do it too much, your lies are bound to effect someone else. However, if you lie to make people feel better about them selves, than I think its okay. For example, if a girl asks you if the clothes they are wearing make them look fat, even if they do, you shouldnt say "Oh wow, definatly! You look horrable. Excuse me while I go throw up." If you tell the truth about issues like this, you could end up looking like a dick rather than telling them that they look good and making them feel good about them selves.
I think that these days everyone lies, and it's not something that will just go away. Checkitout(:, I dont think anyone does tell the truth all the time. However, when you lie you typically have a reason. For instance, Frair lied because he wanted the families to finally make amends, Romeo and Juliet lied because they fell in love and wanted to be together (just like every other teenager), and Nurse lied because she loved Juliet but told her in the end that the Prince may be a better husbond in the end. Therefore, everyone lied for a good reason but in the end everyone paid for it.
Yeah Pinklady:) sometimes you lie for the sake of good but unfortunately sometimes it ends in chaos.
To PEN15 COMMANDER, if you were a true friend to that person then you would be HONEST and try to help them. If anyone were to ask me if they looked good and something was messed up with them then i would fix it rather then make them look like an idiot. If i were your friend i would want you to be honest and most people do.
ReplyDeletei think if you tell a few lies here and there its ok just dont make it a habbit
i dont think that lieing is an ok thing but ya in some situation i guess it could be ok.
I think that lying is ok sometimes but should be used as a last resort to not hurt other people. In the play Romeo and Juliet lied about their marriage which was foolish because they only post-poned the anouncement of their marriage which they knew would have to come out sometime and indeed it did.
ReplyDeleteLying is occasionall nessesary to get through some things in life.
ReplyDeleteI'd have to agree with you. Most people I know would rather be told the truth and be hurt then, then be told a lie and be hurt later. Besides, if you say someone's hair doesn't look good they can just ignore your comment if they are confident in themselves.
But I still agree with what some other people are saying, there is still a place when lies might be needed.
I know lying is wrong, but everyone in the world lies at some point in their lives. For example, when your parents told you that Santa, the easter bunny or the tooth fairy was real, they were telling you lies. Your parents only told you those things because it didnt hurt you. Sometimes, the truth hurts more than a small lie. You have to be careful because if you tell alot of small lies, it can hurt you or someone around you in the long run.
ReplyDeletei agree with precious that all people do lie at one time but that doesnt make it right i mean just because some people rob banks doesnt mean that everyone should.
ReplyDeleteWhy is everyone so obsessed with the Friar, Juliet, Romeo, and the nurse lying when Lady Capulet told a huge lie about how Romeo killed Tybalt.
ReplyDeleteOh absoulutly there is a point when you kinda have to tell a lie all im saying is that everyone lies and i just feel like that everyone would be better off if people just stop lying.
because there was no result of lady capulet's lie: if they believed her then that would have been different. but since those 4 lied and people died because of it, people freak cuz there's harm done.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Ovie13, when ever I'm honest with my parents about something I did wrong I always get in a lot of trouble. Then I say "I told you the truth why am I still in so much trouble". Then they say "You would be in more trouble if you didn't tell us", which is a lie because if I didn't tell them they wouldn't know.
People lie because they don't want to put themselves in the wrong. If people would just own up to their mistakes, nobody would lie.
to Pretty Little Liars 2:) your contridicting yourself by saying you never like to lie and its not good and everything else but your saying your a liar in your name so i think you should get your thought strait. So now pointing this out are you lying that you don't like to lie or arre you lying about you being a liar? just somethin to think about...
Little lies are fine but if it keeps getting bigger and more exaggerated then it could be hurtful to others. Also some people would want the painful truth instead find out later after a lie.-Boston's Fine$t
ReplyDeleteA little lie usually leads to people CONTINUSLY lying. How is that good?
It's sometimes ok to lie to little kids, because a five year old doesn't need to know all the gory details about something. You can tell them eventually, but it would ne wrong to tell such a harsh truth to a little kid.
ReplyDeleteI think that lying is only respectable if its not totally affecting a lot of people or if its a seriouc matter. For example, if I feel crappy about something and my parents ask if i'm okay, I will say "I'm Fine." because its less trouble for everyone there. But if its serious, and the little white lies do keep getting better, then its not right.
I agree with Bostons Fine$t
ReplyDeleteThat some people including myself would rather be told the truth to than be lied to and find out that I was lied to later.
Michael Scott
As children we are told never to lie and this philosiphy as child works just fine. But as we grow this policy would never work. Lies although sounding bad are what keep our society working smoothly. If everyone told the truth ALL the time, feelings would be hurt, hearts would be broken and countless other forms of pain. It is when we become addicted to theses lies that problems arrise. When we begin to thing just one more little bending of the truth. As soon as this happens, our window of the world becomes tinted. The truth often gets lost among the web of lies. When i was 7 i received a birthday present that I hated but my mother told me to smile say thank you and that I loved it. At the time I could not figure out why I was being told to lie, I had always thought lying was wrong. But now I realize that this was not so much a lie but more just being polite.
I agree with sixteencandles because we tell little white lies all the time and it's not that big of a deal. But if it really matters, you should tell the truth and not protect yourself.
ReplyDeleteGood for you everyone who thinks its bad to lie. Too bad you probably get lied to on a daily basis. And you probably like it.
If we all get lied to on a daily basis, Amen, then how would we really know? WE wouldn't, and we also wouldn't be getting hurt. I'm not saying lying is a good thing, but sometimes it does more good than the truth.
You can also lie without saying anything. Lying by omission can be just and bad, with the same horrible consequences as lying out loud.
Honestly, lying to little kids is something everyone does. It's not awful, its just sometimes they arent old enough to comprehend some situations. I like to tell the truth but I tell lies too, no one likes to find out they've been lied to. But its over and done. Suck it up. Everyone does it, no one will ever stop lying. It's okay to feel sorrow about it, but dont sulk. It's over, move on.
I think you're right Pinklady, nothing we say can ever stop people from lying, and when you say that you never lie THATS a lie, because everyone lies. But it isn't always big or horrible.
Lying is stupid. You should either face up to what you did or if you're lying to protect opther people's feelings then they should be able to suck it up and handle the truth. You're going to have to face reality sometime.
I disagree with jillninja14 I don't think that every lie hurts someone. For example if you get kidnapped in Somalia and they ask if your from America, and you know if you say yes they will kill you, is it ok to lie then?
like i said b4, santa clause is real. does that hurt anyone??
ReplyDeleteLet's examine the Batman for a second (the one from the comic books). At the end of the Dark Knight, Bruce decides to blame himself for all the murders done by Harvey. This is a lie but it is beneficial to the greater good because he knew that the people of Gotham needed someone to look up to that was incorruptable. They needed to believe that incorruptable people still existed otherwise their hope would die. This is just an example of when it's okay to lie. And the best one at that.
ReplyDeletesorry to disagree again ticonderoga, but someone would get hurt in your situation. You could say you weren't from America, but eventually, they would find out. And when they did, your outcome would be even worse than if you had just told teh truth from the beginning. Just saying. - jillninja14
ReplyDeleteI don't think lies don't hurt everyone, they hurt at least someone. And they ALL have consequences there's no arguing that. Even if someone doesn't know you are lying, that lie can eat you up inside.
ReplyDeleteI think your view on lying is unrealistic. It would be nice if we didn't have to lie but the reality of it is that lying is a part of life. It is unavoidable. Saying that you never lie is a lie in itsself.
Thank you PinkPrincess, lying is just a part of life there's literally NOTHING we can do to stop it!
I agree with sixteencandles07! I know I for one have a really bad guilty concious and I can't sleep if I know that I lied to someone. -jillninja14
ReplyDeleteShakespeara is right that comment hurts no one. Also when parents lie and tell their kids that Santa Clause is real, I mean kids get a great thrill from thinking that a old fat man is going to break into their house eat their food and give them presents, and if a kid gets upset when Santa isn't real well then he's a cry baby (Sidney Crosby).
Jesta get over yourself. Like seriously its T.V show. That's all. All I'm saying is lieing is bad but if you need to protect someone ya its ok to lie!! UMM like the show Pretty LIttle lIARS if you have ever watch than you would understand why they are lieing.
ReplyDeletePretty Little Liar2:)